Choose your President Wisely (Accomplishments of some presidentiables)

Sorry for not posting any posts this couple of weeks, this is due to lack of time because of reviewing for the final examination. Anyways, this summer is one of the most important time for us Filipinos, this summer, we are about to make a history, the first automation voting in the Philippines. We are about to witness a life changing event (or probably not) in our lives. This summer we are to witness the 2010 elections.

Have you already chosen you're president? Have you already chosen whom to vote. I do believe that this post could help you choose on whom to vote for. Here are some backgrounds and accomplishments of some presidential candidates.

I hope that it helped you a lot in choosing you're president. I hope that you will not vote a person just because he is popular. Vote because it's what you're heart tells you. God Bless.

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